EDX Education has come out with Rainbow Pebbles. They are a bunch of different shaped pebbles in rainbow colors. Perfect sizes for toddler hands. The one we got comes with 20 cards for your child to recreate. I have found they are a great way to help with counting, color recognition and sorting.
Our daughter has a little trouble with “does not belong” problems. She’d show which ones go together but didn’t quite grasp the idea of choosing which one didn’t go. I used these pebbles as a physical representation for her since she does better with hands-on work. After a few tries she got the idea and is well on her way to mastering this concept. One downside is I think the colors on the cards could be brighter. They seem a bit dark to me but my eyesight isn’t the best so it could just be me.
We have been trying out a lot of new baby items this year and here is another one we did not have for our first daughter. It is called Sensory Tissue Box . What makes this toy so much fun? Let's be honest babies love to get into things. We have tried before to let her play with a regular box of tissues. Big mess. The tissues were everywhere and they have like 250 tissues in a box, she torn them up to so an even bigger mess. Our daughter even went as far as to rip the box itself up. This sensory tissue box though is made of very soft fabric so she can not tear it up, it has 15 tissues so less to keep track of and the tissue can not be easily torn up either. This is the biggest positive of this sensory box in my opinion. Another positive to having this sensory tissue box instead of a regular one is that the tissues are different colors and sizes as well as having different textures to them. There are 6 see-through ones, 6 see-through ones that have dots on them and 3 crinkly ones. T
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