This item is called Dimpl Duo. One side has colors and the other is shapes. What is really cool is above the names the words are in Braille. I have not come across any other toys that have Braille so it was nice to see that they have options like that. The size of the game is perfect for tiny hands and is a great educational item to use at home, in the car or at places where your little ones would get bored like the doctors. The colors are the same on the front and back so with colors you can ask for both; find the red circle. The shape it goes over are circle, triangle, square, rectangle, diamond and oval. The only thing about the shapes that I do not like is that they have diamond where as we call it a rhombus but that is fine. I love that the colors chosen are the colors of the rainbow.
My daughter thinks is super fun and told me it’s like a tablet. Then she proceeded to go around saying it was her table; “I’m going to watch yellow!”. Since they have to push in the bubbles it works your kiddos muscles which is nice. Another great plus is that it is easy to clean if your child decides to spills things on it. A lot of kids those pop toys so this would be a great way to make it more educational. I use this a lot with our youngest since it is something that she is able to do very easily. If you have used something similar to this let us know in the comment section below. We would love to check it out.
Oh what a great idea to take it on the go! Neat toy!