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Review: Building Blocks of Science Book K

I love doing science and want our daughter to have a love of science as well. Building Blocks of Science Book K is the book that came with our Timberdoodle curriculum this year. There is a lot of coloring involved but I feel that makes it more appealing to kids. The workbook is divided into different sections so your not skipping from topic to topic. What I like to do is make it interactive. When it teaches about making a wave or things that go up must come down we did those activities to make it more involved.

The beginning talks about atoms and different elements. While most would think it’s a bit advanced for a kindergartener we made it simple. My husband and I pretended to be elements and had our daughter join in. We linked arms and legs to have a visual representation that elements can join. To me it doesn’t matter if she remembers the names of the elements or the compounds they make; she’ll learn that in chemistry when she’s older. What she was able to learn was that there are elements and they can join to form something new. She thinks this book is so fun and loves doing the work in book. Since I’m pregnant she has been making a list of things she wants to teach her baby sister and a lot from this book is on her list, like how to shot a rubber band. 
