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Review: What’s Going On Here?

Creative to say the least! What’s Going On Here? are such cute little cards we got from Timberdoodle. Each card has a different scenario and the back of the cards have questions to ask about the picture. The colors are vibrant and all the characters are animals which is really cute. What I like most is about these cards are that they have the questions already there. You don’t need to think of them just pull out a card and your ready to go.

Our daughter loves these. She will sit and tell you about each card until she’s gone through them all. Sometimes to extend on the lesson I ask her what might happen next and she’ll give a detailed story of what could happen. I definitely recommend these for teaching about feelings and how to act in certain situations or just as a fun bonus to do with your kiddos. There are a bunch of cards with all sorts of different scenarios on them so your kids are sure to have fun for hours. 
