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Homeschool: Kindergarten End of Year

Our kindergarten year started in January 2020 and is about to end (December 2020). We went with Timberdoodle Curriculum again this year. I set certain expectations at the beginning of our year after going through all the items in our custom kit. So the big questions are: Did Timberdoodle deliver on their kindergarten curriculum? Do my child learn enough? Do I feel she has retained the information and is ready to move onto 1st Grade?

This school year was a bit rough. We took off about 3 months in the beginning of the year because of an extremely hard pregnancy. I was worried that by taking off so long that our daughter would forget most of what we went over. However, she remembered everything. I strongly believe it is due to Timberdoodle’s excellent choices in curriculum. The items we received are fun and engaging for kids. By having so many hands-on and interactive items it makes learning easy and our wanted to do school more than once a day. She’d constantly ask to do more school even if we already finished school for the day! For a 4 year old to want to do school instead of playing with toys or iPad is a huge example of how much fun Timberdoodle truly is for kids. 

Do I feel our daughter has learned enough for kindergarten? Most definitely! She is on par with the 6-7 year olds in our homeschool group. And after looking up what school district goes over for kindergarten I realized our daughter learned a lot more than our local public school. 

Do I feel she should move onto 1st grade work? Yes. She has mastered everything she needed for kindergarten. We recently went over all the reviews (I do one covering each 6 weeks) and she remembered everything. Even after taking off 3 months at the beginning of the year and 2 weeks off after my c-section. She is able to do all the goals I set at the beginning of the year. Some of the goals I had she surpassed. It’s an amazing feeling to know your child is learning and retaining the information needed. It’s all thanks to Timberdoodle for offering such a wonderful selection of curriculum. 
