It may appear like we have a perfect school day everyday but that is far from the truth. Some days it’s a really struggle. Getting distracted, frustrated, annoyed? Yep we have those days, too. I’ve learned some way around this though. Our daughter gets distracted sometimes when the TV is on, little sis is doing something funny or when daddy comes into the room. Distraction is the easiest for us to overcome. I turn off the TV, wait till little sis is taking a nap before we start school or ask daddy to leave the room.
Frustration is a bit harder to overcome. When our daughter is frustrated I have her stand up, take a step back and ask her to jump in place, bend down and stand up, point in different directions, hop on one leg, etc. she finds the different actions randomly chosen to be hilarious. Once she’s full of laughter we go back to school. When I get frustrated I let her go off and play for a bit while I compose myself.
Sometimes, it’s incredibly annoying when she refuses to do her school work. What’s the best way to get past this obstacle? If I just can’t get her to regroup and finish school I pack up school and tell her we are done for the day. I don’t think anyone learns at their best if they are frustrated, annoyed or bored. Occasionally, it’s best to take a day off of school to just let kids be a kid. A great thing about homeschooling is that you have the leeway to take time off just to relax. So, take those day if you need. Go outside and play, make up a game, build a fort, whatever your students wants to do will help them relax and get invigorated for the next time you do school.
Frustration is that thing we all struggle with but few talk about. Thank you for sharing 💕