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Review: Q-bitz Solo

I am always on the hunt for fun games. Games that can be played by one person are a huge plus because then I am able to tend to little sis or get some housework done. Our oldest is able to have fun and possibly learning at the same time. O-bitz Solo checks both the single player and educational boxes. The game itself is actually very small so it is easy to store and fits perfectly into any bag to be taken on the road. You will get 16 cubes and a bunch of problem cards in a cute little tin box. 

The purpose of the game is to recreate the black and white cards on your board with the colored cubes. This particular game works on those ever so important critical thinking skills. The game itself is very simple but you must place the cubes the correct way in order for them to resemble what is on the cards. Making the cubes face the same way is what younger children will find challenging. If your child is having trouble facing the cubes correctly you can help them along the way.

When the problem cards have both a white and black triangle that is when our daughter has a bit of trouble. I let her try and figure it out herself but if she can get it that is when I step in and help her out. The game is meant for 8 years old and up so for our daughter to get the majority right on her is great. She is only 5 after all. I do think if the cubes were the same colors as the problem cards it would be easier but I do like that she has a challenging game. Sometimes our daughter would like to do single player games with us like Q-bitz Solo. So we end up taking turns placing one piece of the puzzle each. Instead of it being a win or lose we make a like a team building exercise. 

There are a good amount of problems cards but I have come up with a way to have a lot more cards to do. I fill in the board randomly and then take a picture. I do this a bunch of times then our daughter can look at the pictures and try to recreate what I made. She is also able to make these random challenges to recreate later on. So would I recommend this particular game? Yes. Some people don’t focus to much on critical thinking but I think it is extremely important as they go through school and later in life. Q-bitz Solo is a wonderful little game for kids to build their critical thinking skills with. Timberdoodle has so many great games and a lot of them work on critical thinking. Can you guess what will be reviewed next from our second grade curriculum? Here’s your 3 hints!

1. Works on critical thinking
2. Fun for the family
3. We’ll made
