Here are some quick videos on different English reading lessons. I hope these help explain why certain words are pronounced the way they are. There will always be exceptions to the rules but for the majority of English words these rules apply. VCCV Words (vowel consonant consonant vowel) Open VS Closed Syllables VCV Words Pt 1 (vowel consonant vowel) VCV Words Pt 2 (vowel consonant vowel) Compound Words Silent e Job 1 Long U and Sound of S Between 2 Vowels Plural Silent E EE says /ē/ Contractions Find Gold Rule ER and Bossy R AR OR Soft C and the 2nd Job of Silent E 3rd Sound of U & Muffled O Soft G 3rd Job of Silent E 4th Job of Silent E & 4th Sound of O Sounds of ED 3rd Sound of A OY & OI AW & AU OW & OU AY & AI Syllable Division: 2 Vowels OA & 2nd Sound of OW 4th Sound of Y Pickle Syllable Pt 1 (5th Job of Silent E) Pickle Syllable Pt 2 Syllable Division: 3 Consonants Pt1 Syllable Division: 3 Consonants Pt 2 Words With Consonant Suffixes...