Why did I not make a good great? I studied, what went wrong? Studying starts with proper note taking. If you are studying for a class that has equations you will want to memorize these and do practice problems so that you know how to use them properly. Maybe make a chart on the equations you have learned. If the class has a textbook you can reread sections or look over any handouts you complete or where given. Reread your notes many times. Do not just have one cram session the night before. Instead take an hour or so each day to go over the important things for that class. If anything is confusing then ask your teacher, use Google, reread your notes or textbooks to see if you can understand them. Sometimes it will take a few times of reading something to fully grasp the concept being presented. Public school teachers often have open class hours either before or after school go to these if you, too. If you are homeschooled you can ask your teacher anytime and I am sure they will be...